What is this ?

Finisar.SQLite is an ADO.NET Data Provider for accessing SQLite-Databases using the .NET-Framework.

SQLite itself is "a small C library that implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine" (quoted from the sqlite.org Website)

The Finisar.SQLite Data Provider is an easy way to use the SQLite-Database in .net Languages like C# and VB.net


As of 2006-11-25 23:46, this project is no longer under active development.

This project is deceased, but you can move on using this: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlite-dotnet2


A request from the website-creator: As my native language is German and not English, please notify me of any strange wordings and other mistakes ;D



Website launched posted by geekyde - 2005-24-08 23:51

What you see is a first attempt to create a website for the SQLite ADO.NET Data Provider.

The next step is filling this website with content, expecially the documentation section will grow in the next few weeks.

At the current state the sourceforge project page will probably be more useful for you - especially the Forums there ;D

ADO.NET 2.0 Provider for SQLite posted by spacedog69 - 2005-06-07 13:31

In light of this project's lack of recent updates and questionable future with respect to .NET 2.0, I'd like to point out a recently created project that looks promising for SQLite on .NET 2.0:


Version 0.21 is Released posted by robertjf - 2005-02-11 08:03

Hi everyone,

I've just made a release available for download. Some notes on this release:

Notes regarding the implementation of ISO8601 DateTime fields (introduced February 12, 2005):

Release 0.21 saw the introduction of ISO8601 DateTime fields as the default storage mechanism.

The format used was 'yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss', to bring it in line with SQLite 3.1.1's new CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME, and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP keywords. This is also the the default format used by MySQL.

Other supported formats at this time include:

* yyyyMMddHHmmss

* yyyyMMddTHHmmssfffffff

* yyyy-MM-dd

* yy-MM-dd

* yyyyMMdd

* HH:mm:ss

* THHmmss


For more details on ISO8601 Date Formats, visit http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/iso-time.html.